This is a guest post by my cousin Laura Fleenor. Laura has been quietly making a very nice extra income online using the following programs. Enjoy!
Being a stay at home mother, website owner and webmaster, I have discovered several ways to make money online. These things that I am going to share with you will most likely not get you rich, but do add a nice supplement to your income. The type of work that I have done to make money online is mainly writing articles, and blogging for pay. If you have a website or blog, you can also use the blogging for pay sites to pay people to advertise your business on their blogs. Here are some of the best ones I have found. - This paid to blog site, pays you through PayPal 30 days after your post is made. Most submissions need to be 2-3 short paragraphs and include 3 links to the advertisers site. You can set up your account to specify the lowest amount that you will accept to post a task. I suggest setting the limit low until you have posted several things for them. The offers I get are usually around $10, but they have gradually increased over the last few months of working for them. They have very good people working for them that will let you know if there is something that needs to be fixed before they accept your post. They also have some tasks that are simply putting a link in your sidebar. For this kind of task, you will get paid monthly for the link. is said to be one of the best get paid to blog sites. is one of the more difficult paid to blog programs to be accepted to, but if you are persistent, you will eventually be accepted. The great thing about is that they give you a tack rating according to how well the advertisers like your posts. As your tack rating goes up, you will be qualified to write posts that are worth more money. Again, accepting posts that are for low dollar amounts will help you get established, and increase your tack rating, as long as you are writing good posts. PayPerPost also pays via PayPal, and will pay for approved posts after 30 days. is another great pay per post site. What is different about, is that they actually give you the choice of writing your own post, or using one of five that they already have written, so all you have to do is copy and paste them into your blog. Of course, it is much better for your blog if you create your own unique post, but if you are running short on time, it is an excellent option. pays you within 30 days via a PayPal account. is a pay to blog site that pays you via PayPal weekly. This is the only pay per post blogging site that I know of that will pay you that quickly. So far I haven’t seen an offer over $6 on, but I am still fairly new to this site, and it may increase with time like the others do. is a fairly new paid blogging site that is fairly easy to get approved for. Their offers are between $6-10 so far. The only thing about this site is that they do not have that many advertisers yet. They also pay via PayPal, usually at the end of the month.
Associated - This site pays you to submit non-exclusive or exclusive articles. If you submit articles to them with non-exclusive rights, you are still allowed to use your articles for article marketing, or whatever you want, but if you submit them as exclusive rights articles, you are selling all your rights to this article, yet it will remain the same, and will have your name attached to it. They will make you an offer on your article, and then you can decide if you want to accept of reject the offer.
Helium is another place for you to post your articles and make money. Most of the money I have made from this site has been from their ongoing weekly contests. They also have a “marketplace” where you can post your articles and have a chance at being selected to be published in various magazine, which you will be paid pretty good for. You also get paid a few cents for each page view to your articles.
Of course there are several more money making sites out there, but these are my top eight, and they really do pay you. You do not have to spend hours doing surveys only to find out that one half hour survey is worth $1. Good luck, and I hope this information can help you in some way.
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